Achieve Product Market Fit with Customer Insights

One place to track customer interactions. Use customer insights to inform actionable business strategies.

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Key Features

Best founders learn from their USERS

Features that help keep the customer in the center of your business development.

Transcribe Meetings

Transcribe any virtual meeting with customers. Bot that can join Zoom, Google Meets, and Teams meetings.

Save time formatting

Automatically formats meeting transcriptions into question-answer records.


Use a chat interface to recall what customers said, what the key takeways were, what percent of customers want similar things, etc.

Record segments

Track who the user versus the buyer is. Automatically surface similarities and differences to craft your go-to-market with AI.

Plan pivots

Plan pivots while noting takeaways that informed the decision.

AI Cofounder

Dedicated AI to help craft go-to-market, pricing, features, investor emails and more - all from customer insights.

Free for 1 month

We're looking for early adopters. We'll provide the best tool to track customer dicovery learnings and explore insights from them.